Then, as you might imagine, when I received Pat’s e-mail asking me about the possibility of using the first stanza and chorus of mom’s hymn as your Choral Introit here at Louisa Christian Church for your worship services, I was thrilled for mom and everyone who worked so hard to put together that special sing-along for Mom. And, certainly I continue to be thrilled over the lyrics being activated again; and I don’t think I have ever heard it sung more beautifully than we all heard it today.
I think mom was listening too. And I think another lesson from Matthew 18 is evidenced in this next step for mom’s hymn. For who would have thought that the years of silence from this little hymn, since mom’s death would now be graced with new life, a new relationship and hopefully new meaning for you and others? Thanks be to God.
Now, as we prepare to conclude this service today, might we carry with us the realization of the relationships Jesus was talking about in Matthew 18? Remember the child’s humble spirit is the highest rank in the kingdom of heaven. Might we be reminded too that every time we acknowledge our faith in Jesus’ name and respond (even silently) to other Christians in a group, we launch that powerful “togetherness in his name” relationship with Jesus in our midst? Think about JOY there.
Remember when the early Christians did that? Standing among groups in town, some of them would get a stick and doodle in the sand. Then, one by one some of them would draw a fish in the sand? You’ve seen the Christian fish on the bumpers of cars, and in Christian literature? Ever wonder what that symbol means? That fish in the sand drawing was their secret signal to other Christians in the crowd, “I am a believer.” Others in the crowd including Roman spies did not know the meaning of the fish drawing. Now, you know what happens when two or three of them are gathered together, and they draw that fish in the sand? JOY.
Now, we can do that too. We can acknowledge this – even in a grocery store… just by recognizing a couple of other Christians across the aisle – maybe members of this church and we beam our faith to them through a smile and maybe a simple nod…our symbol – acknowledging, “Yes, I am a believer too, and I love the Lord.” Then, even before we can send out a prayer invitation for the Lord to join us – he’s already there in our midst. We can LIVE his presence by example among others… as we,
Celebrate His presence here now;
See that smile across my face.
Yes the grin is deep from within,
flowing from His loving Grace.
Celebrating His presence – can be done among us without saying a word, can’t it? I love that little reference you have on your church website which says, “Preach the Gospel at all times…and when necessary,
use words.”
use words.”
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